Designed by Stitch School, the community of Brixton is invited to make their mark on the cloth to celebrate the twinning.

Stitch-School was co-founded in 2017 by Melanie Bowles and Aimee Betts whose aim is to provide professional and inspirational guidance to reconnect to the benefits of embroidery through embroidery kits, workshops and community events around the large communal table embroidery called The Supper Cloth.

Stitch School will be facilitating The Brixton X Harlem Supper Cloth throughout the festival. We invite the community to join us around the large 3 meter embroidery table to leave their mark on the cloth. Providing a space for people to sit down, slow down and feed their creativity through stitching and co-creating a communal Supper Cloth in wonderful environments.

Participants will be able to explore the wealth of embroidery stitches, learn together and create a communal supper cloth to celebrate the art of needlework, half of the cloth will remain in Brixton while the other half is gifted to the Harlem community as a emblem of the twinning. Discovering the benefits of stitching as a form of de-stressing, which encourages making as an antidote to modern life and a creating a sense of well being and relaxation.

Wednesday 3 - Sunday 7 August

12PM - 7.30PM Daily

Brixton House Theatre, Coldharbour Lane SW9 8GL